She has been such a sweet baby. She doesn't cry too often, and when she does she is very consolable. She quiets down pretty quick. My first two babies were not like that at all so this is a new experience for me. :) Arya just wants to hold her all the time and absolutely loves her baby sister and Landon even likes to occationally hold her and tries to shove her pacifier in her mouth (not too gently). I just have to kindof keep a close eye on him because even though his intentions are good, he is a little boy and doesn't quite know how to be easy with a baby. We are just in love with our sweet new addition. She is officially our last baby so we are enjoying every minute.
2 months ago
I'm glad that she is a good baby for you. She is adorable!
Congrats! November babies are just the best. I would know, I was sweet I am sure.
What a cutie!! I am so excited for you. I hope that everything is going better now.
She is beautiful! Angie, if you need anything please don't hesitate to call. I can take Arya and Landon for a day so you can catch some extra z's. Just let me know. We are praying for you!
Congratulations!!! She's beautiful, just like her mommy! :)
Can you please tell me how old she is because I think she was my best friend in kindergarten and I would really like to know if she remembers me if it is her.I asked her for her dad's phone number on my last day of kindergarten before I moved but it wasn't her dad's number but I will never forget her name.Ella rose
Can you please tell me how old she is because I think she was my best friend in kindergarten and I would really like to know if she remembers me if it is her.I asked her for her dad's phone number on my last day of kindergarten before I moved but it wasn't her dad's number but I will never forget her name.Ella rose
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