Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Maternity Pictures

I was thinking that I wanted to get maternity pictures taken this pregnancy just in case it was going to be my last. But honestly, I probably wouldn't have gotten them done because I didn't know anyone who shot maternity pictures and I didn't want any random person that I didn't know to take the pictures. So, I was so excited when Vanessa called me up and asked if I wouldn't mind letting her practice. She's just recently taken up photography and I believe this was her first maternity photo shoot. She did a great job. I'm so happy I actually got them done because this will be the last time I'm pregnant, and I wouldn't have done it had she not asked me. These were taken 3 weeks before I delivered Ella Rose.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ella Rose

Beautiful Ella Rose was born on November,7th she weighed 7.7 lbs and was 19 inches long.

She has been such a sweet baby. She doesn't cry too often, and when she does she is very consolable. She quiets down pretty quick. My first two babies were not like that at all so this is a new experience for me. :) Arya just wants to hold her all the time and absolutely loves her baby sister and Landon even likes to occationally hold her and tries to shove her pacifier in her mouth (not too gently). I just have to kindof keep a close eye on him because even though his intentions are good, he is a little boy and doesn't quite know how to be easy with a baby. We are just in love with our sweet new addition. She is officially our last baby so we are enjoying every minute.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Arya wanted to be Rosetta from the Tinkerbell movie for Halloween and thanks to Grandma Betsy we all ready had the beautiful Rosetta dress. Landon is a scarecrow, and he was not very thrilled about it.. he was so upset about all the straw sticking out of his clothes and he pulled most of it out in the first 5 seconds..but he was all about trick-or-treating! He even said his thank you's
I wanted to get a pumpkin for each of us, but Jonathan said one was enough. After taking 2 hours to clean and carve this one out, and after the mess that it made, I have to say Jonathan was right... I am sooooo happy we only had this one. Arya was not overly interested in it, but Landon wanted to help the whole time.

We made popcorn balls and stuck green candies on the top to make them look like pupkins. I sort of guessed on the recipe since I didn't have one and they turned out great! Arya was actually a big help and I didn't have to worry about her getting germs on them since she was washing her hands after every single time she touched one. Landon is another story however so we tried to keep him off the chair and away from them, but he made a great taste tester. :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sorry for the delay in posts.. I've been super busy, but these are some pictures from about a month ago. This was Harvest Festival weekend.
As we came home from Arya's Dance recital at the park, I got the kids in their bath tub to take a bath and realized I didn't have any hot water left.. I was worried something happened to our water heater until I walked in my bathroom looking for my phone and heard my water running. Landon had put a bunch of clothes (and a diaper) in my bathtub and left the hot water running. We were probably gone from the house for about 2 hours. One of the shirts had gotten stuck in the drain at the bottom and that's why it filled up. I was very lucky the top drain did its job and kept the water from running over and flooding my bathroom.

This is Arya before her first ballet performance. She did a great job, as did all of the girls. I was so amazed that they could actually get a bunch of 3-4 yr olds to do the dance after only a few practices. I think they literally only had been in class for 3 weeks.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

So we finally got around to painting the kids bedrooms. The kids "helped" :) I'm still trying to get the wall decorations figured out in Landon's room. I think I want to put up different sports balls on the wall. I would like to take like a real basketball, football, soccerball, ect. and cut them in half and hang them up, but I would hate to waste brand new ones, so if anyone has used old balls that are not getting used anymore can you please donate? :) Poor guy hasn't had his room fully decorated yet and Arya had hers decorated since before she was born.

Arya's Bedroom

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Busy Busy Month!!

What a busy busy month it has been!!! Arya has been doing great with swimming. Jonathan has worked with her a bit without floaties on, but she swims very well with them on while her face is down in the water. She's in the pool most days so she should be getting good at it.
It was also my birthday this month and Jonathan surprised me and took me into Las Vegas. We went shopping and he ended up driving to the Venetian so we could stay there for the night. My first thought was "where are my kids at?" But he had all of their clothes pre-packed for the night and they stayed with one grandma for part of the night and the other grandma for the rest of the night (thank you grandmas :) Then we went to see Phantom of the Opera which was awesome and then these were the beautiful flowers he had delivered to my room after... My favorite.... Lilly's. So yeah... my husband is amazing!!! :)

This was one of our girly nights which we tend to have as often as we can.. We eat as much junk food as we can possibly stand and watch a movie. This night we watched Bride Wars, which I had already seen with Jonathan and I didn't think it was that great, but it was so much better watching it with the girls!!

And I'm halfway there!! Officially this week I turned 20 weeks. I made Arya take this picutre of me which is why it is slightly crooked. So I'm putting more and more of my normal clothes away :( But that's ok, it comes with the terrritory.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Well, I was impatient. I went ahead and schedualed an earlier appointment. My insurance wasn't going to cover me being impatient (as they shouldn't), so we just paid full price. It wasn't horribly expensive anyway, and I got like 15 pictures, and a whole DVD with 20 mins of my baby moving around. So it was a good deal. And now Arya can tell everyone she is getting a baby sister and she doesn't have to listen to me telling her it might be a brother. She never believed me anyway, she would just say "no mom, it is a sister". Jonathan told me the whole time that I was having another little girl. I guess I should just listen to him, because so far he has gotten it right all three pregnancies.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

San Francisco trip

We had such a fun time in San Francisco. Jonathan spent a lot of time trying to
convince me to leave my babies and take a trip with him, and I finally decided
to do it. I was a little emotional the first day, but by the third I was really getting
used to sleeping late in the mornings - I forgot what that was like! We went to Alcatraz, and
Peir 39. We didn't rent a car, so we did a lot of walking and used the public transportation,
which was just really gross and germy, but I used lots of hand sanitizer and got over it :) We took a long walk down the coast to the Golden Gate Bridge, and we went to a few other "touristy" spots. We got to go to two Giants games. And we ate a ton! We found some of our good old favorites, like Bubba Gump Shrimp, and Cheesecake Factory, and we also found really yummy new places to eat. We weren't too entirely impressed with the people there, but oh well... all and all it was a very fun trip!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baby picture

Baby Video

I know this doesn't look like much, but its so amazing
how much they can see. I'm only 13 weeks pregnant,
so its awesome to see such a young baby moving its
arms around. You can see the baby has its little fists
clutched. The Dr. kept trying to get a good picture of
its face, but it kept waving its arms in front of the face.
We'll have another picture of the baby on July 8th when
I'm 21 weeks (which is when I'll find out if its a boy or girl).
Yes, its depressing that I have to wait that long.. I insisted
on finding out at week 18, but they wouldn't listen to me :(

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

JoAnns Baby Shower

JoAnn's baby shower was so much fun!! I'm sad that I didn't get as many pictures as I planned on getting, but that's the way things go sometimes. It was great to see Kathy and Florence and their beautiful daughters. So, the above are pictures of JoAnns cake which no one wanted to cut, so it sat there looking pretty :). Landon and his Grandma feeding him cupcakes.. Landon loved the shower because he ate, and ate, and ate some more and then ate all the m&m's and candies that were laying around. And the first picture is half the sisters. We missed Amy and Melanie, although we all got to see Melanie and her family earlier in the week.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Ok, so nevermind... Landon is not walking. I was so sure that he would just pick up and start going once he figured out how to take a few steps. But sadly, no. He isn't even taking a few steps anymore. He apparently takes after his big sister. They both have the stubborn gene and I won't say who they get that from.... (cough.. jonathan) .... Anyhow, Landon is continuing to rub his poor knees raw with crawling. Poor little guy..

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Little Walker!

So here are Landon's first steps! We thought we would share them with everyone. He has been taking steps like this all day and he has actually been a bit more steadier than in this video, but he got really excited once I got the camera out. He is almost 13 months old so it was about time! Arya didn't start walking until she was 13 months either. She had better balance at an earlier age, but she was just really stubborn and decided that she didn't want to walk until then. I honestly didn't think Landon would be walking for another month because his balance isn't the best, but he has surprised us!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Arya loves to help make cookies.. serveral of the cookies
had bites taken out of them before we delivered them though...

The finished product :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Arya's Birthday!!

The birthday princess was not eating like a princess :)

We went to Skate zone for Arya's party.. it was so much fun
the kids loved it